
Living as a Mother Guide

Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Hope Is Your North Star

The days following hearing the words “Joseph is autistic,” were some of my darkest days. I was living with the deepest pain I had felt in my 32 years of life. It was my first life tsunami. I didn’t know the way out to find the light. It felt like instantly being lost and not knowing which way to go.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

My One Way Ticket to the Autism Journey Train

I love this time of the year because it offers us hope and possibility to renew our lives. I have seen and read so much about the joy of seeing 2020 leave and welcoming 2021. We are hoping for a better year. We are leaving a year of uncertainty and entering a new year filled with possibility of hope rather than fear.

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