
Living as a Mother Guide

Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

A Year of Self-Compassion

As Mother’s Day is approaching I have noticed that I personally am in another beautiful life transition. My two sons are grown and living on their own. They will not be celebrating Mother’s Day with me this year. This could be a time of sadness, but I have decided to approach it as an opportunity.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

How to Build Resilience

I do not believe that when Joseph was diagnosed with autism that I had the resilience that I have today. My resilience was built one breath at a time.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Choosing the Sunny Side of the Street

We have all experienced the moment when we hear that our children have been diagnosed with a life long disability. We all grieve our hopes and dreams that once were of our beautiful child.

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