112. Help Your Child Recover From Their Symptoms of Autism Naturally with Karen Thomas


Karen Thomas started taking her son to therapists one after the other at age 5 for his sensory overload issues, anxiety, tantrums, and OCD.

The response they got from the therapists was that they as parents were not being stern enough and that if they were more strict he wouldn’t behave the way he did.

After years of searching and trying, one therapist said he might have autism. He then was finally diagnosed at age 10 after 5 years of going to different therapists.

After a decade of research and trial and error, her son no longer has symptoms of autism. Because of the success she had with her son, she started to help other moms with kids on the spectrum with her online program.

Listen to this episode to discover what Karen did to help her son thrive.


Theme song: Look at the Clouds by Tristan Lohengrin https://soundcloud.com/tristanlohengrin/look-at-the-clouds

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