114. Grief Series Ep. 1: Grief, Joy & Meaningful Skills with Lisa Jo Rudy


In this first episode of the Grief Series, I talk with Lisa Jo Rudy, a mother of an autistic son, writer, and consultant.

Lisa and I talk about the grief, the joy, and the struggles she experienced as a mother raising a son on the spectrum.

Lisa also talks about the value of developing meaningful skills like her son did with the clarinet as well as why we need to make museums and zoos more inclusive.

Listen to this episode to learn from Lisa's insights and life lessons.


Theme song: Look at the Clouds by Tristan Lohengrin https://soundcloud.com/tristanlohengrin/look-at-the-clouds

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115. Grief Series Ep. 2: You are NOT a horrible mom for feeling sad with Eileen Lamb


113. Stumbling Through Grief: A Podcast Series