Honor Yourself on Mother’s Day

This week's blog is dedicated to all Mother Guides. 

When I first became a mother I was so excited to experience my very first Mother’s Day. I remember feeling very special and also being given special gifts to honor my holiday as a new mother. 

I felt like I was part of a special club that I celebrated for others and now I too would be celebrated along with many generations of mothers who came before me. My husband served me breakfast in bed, and let me sleep in that morning. Joseph was only a year old so I was over the moon to get rest and breakfast all in the same day. 

Then I was given a special gift from my husband along with being pampered for the rest of the day. I was also given flowers and cards from my family and close friends. It was a great day to say the least. I cherish those memories. 

Today I have two grown sons who are unable to join me for Mother’s Day this year. This has made me very sad in the past. I would spend a whole day missing my children, the reason that I am a mother. But now, I learned how to shift my sadness into a day of joy.

I will honor my own mother. I am filled with gratitude that she is still here on this earth to sing praises for being my mom. Celebrating my mother gives me great joy. 

I also celebrate my own Mother’s Day with a day of self-love. I begin my day with practicing gratitude for my two sons and the beautiful life that I am living. I take my time drinking coffee and if the weather is nice I sit outside and take in the beautiful day. 

Next, I ask myself what would bring me joy? I then begin planning my hours of intentional self love. I have discovered that going to a local nursery that I love is generally one of those life experiences that bring me joy. I love flowers!

I will spend a few hours just walking around the nursery in awe of the flowers that are blooming with their radiant colors and sweet scent that I breathe in. It literally makes me smile and I can feel joy just in their presence. 

I carefully begin picturing where each flower that I place on my flower wagon for purchase will be planted. The flowers and I begin a relationship with each other as we know we will be serving each other until the first frost. Why does this bring me joy? 

I am not sure other than I can feel joy each Mother’s Day when I pull out of my driveway for my yearly celebration. I was sad on Mother's Days when my children were unable to be home. 

Now I understand that this is a great opportunity to practice self love and to honor being a mother. It is amazing how I shifted being truly sad to creating joy with this simple idea of asking myself what brings me joy today?

No matter where you are on your Mother Guide’s journey, take a moment to honor motherhood by celebrating others, but also celebrating you. It is not selfish to take an hour or an entire day to give yourself what you are craving.

It is magical to ask yourself the question of what brings me joy, but it is a miracle of true calming transformation to experience it. 

I hope this Mother’s Day you spend time incorporating self-love into your special day.

Happy Mother’s Day!


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