From My Eyes to Your Eyes


Hello, all!

As many followers of this blog may know, my mom and I have teamed up to write a book about our experiences living with/being on the autism spectrum. We each took (roughly) one half of the whole text, with my mother’s part called Mother’s Guide Through Autism, and mine entitled Through the Eyes of the Guided. 

This blog, in particular, will be a companion piece of sorts to my Mother’s Guide Through Autism podcast episode, which you can find on each major podcast hosting platform (Spotify, Apple Podcast, etc.). 

Like in that episode, I’m going to be giving you all a little taste of my part of our book, which will be coming out sometime in mid-May at the time of my writing this blog.

As I see it, Through the Eyes of the Guided is mainly 3 things:

  1. A brief biography of my life

  2. A recollection of my life on the spectrum in particular

  3. My opinions/advice for people in similar circumstances to mine.

When I say a brief biography, I do mean rather brief. This is mainly for the reason that if I were to write what I think would be a sufficiently comprehensive biography, it would likely be as long as some of the classic epic poems of antiquity. I won’t subject anyone to that kind of reading (yet). 

As such, I just cover the main points, especially as it relates to my being on the spectrum. One may find, though, that there is quite an overlap between the two. Even so, I don’t subtract all the details that are unique to growing up with autism. 

The story of my life begins to bleed into my perspective on my autism in particular. I go more into what I find advantageous, inconvenient, or even plain bad aspects of how autism manifests in me. 

Autism affects everyone differently, and I hope that describing how it affects me can serve as a valuable insight to guides of all kinds and people on the spectrum alike.

In the latter chapters, I attempt to draw all of my past experience into what I think is the meat of what our mission is about and what I set as the intention for writing my part of the book—helping guide people as we’ve been guided to a universally better future. 

I also want my work to serve as a way to answer questions that didn’t have answers until recently. I hope my opinions and advice can help mother guides on their personal journeys, and can help guide all of us to a better world in general.

I hope you're interested in seeing what we have to say. If so, I encourage you to spread the word to anyone you think might share a similar interest. 

The conversation about autism has only become more relevant in the past few decades, and it’s important we’re all a part of that dialogue.

We hope this will contribute to that conversation and the current growth you all have contributed to by being a part of Mother’s Guide Through Autism’s overall mission. 

Thank you all for your support!




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