
Living as a Mother Guide

Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Radio Station Interview at KTLO

Brigitte and Joseph talk about their recently published book A Mother’s Guide Through Autism/Through the Eyes of the Guided with Brad Haworth at their local radio station KTLO.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Our Book Is Here!

It’s finally here! A Mother’s Guide Through Autism book! In this book, I share my journey and lead mothers through a journey to heal their own hearts. In part two of the book, “Through the Eyes of the Guided,” my son Joseph offers insight into his experience living with autism.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

From My Eyes to Your Eyes

Joseph talks about writing Through the Eyes of the Guided which is the second part of the upcoming book Mother’s Guide Through Autism.

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