
Living as a Mother Guide

Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

It Begins with You - #3 Advice

What I know for sure is that you will need to grab the oxygen mask for yourself first in order to deepen your strength and resilience for your child.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Self-Compassion Is Essential on the Autism Parenting Journey

I have a personal mission to get as many moms to practice self-compassion as possible. Why? To begin, I have my own personal experience of living many years without practicing self-compassion on my autism parenting journey. Not because I didn’t want or choose to, but because I didn’t know it existed.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Choosing the Sunny Side of the Street

We have all experienced the moment when we hear that our children have been diagnosed with a life long disability. We all grieve our hopes and dreams that once were of our beautiful child.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

I Don't Have Time for Me

Being a mother is an honor. I love the idea that my children picked me to be their mother. They decided that I would be the one that they would call “mom” during their stay on earth. I believe that my children have been my best teachers in my life. Both have taught me how to be grateful for what is, listen rather than speak, and to love unconditionally.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Autism and Mom Guilt

Guilt wears many hats when we experience this emotion. I personally have battled feeling guilty on most days.

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