
Living as a Mother Guide

Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Self-Compassion Is Essential on the Autism Parenting Journey

I have a personal mission to get as many moms to practice self-compassion as possible. Why? To begin, I have my own personal experience of living many years without practicing self-compassion on my autism parenting journey. Not because I didn’t want or choose to, but because I didn’t know it existed.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Advocate With Kindness

I believe that mothers are some of the very best problem-solvers in the world, and they get very little credit. Over the years I have witnessed mothers in action and I am amazed at how they advocate for their children on the spectrum. They show up for their child with a fierce loving kindness that I deeply admire.

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Brigitte Shipman Brigitte Shipman

Kindness Is a Must

Why is kindness essential on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder journey? Well, you probably have noticed that this autism parenting journey is no cakewalk. It comes with a lot of daily frustration, fear, guilt, and overwhelm that can cause heavy wear and tear on your mind, body, and soul, and because of that, you need to bring a massive amount of kindness to yourself.

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