Living as a Mother Guide
Permission To Grieve - #4 Advice
Although grief was always present I never gave grief my time or attention. The only time I acknowledged that I was experiencing grief was when I could no longer pretend that I was “fine.”
It Begins with You - #3 Advice
What I know for sure is that you will need to grab the oxygen mask for yourself first in order to deepen your strength and resilience for your child.
Get Support ASAP - #2 Advice
Support ASAP is #2 on my list of essential advice as you travel on your ASD journey with your child. When you are on this journey you may feel deep loneliness. I felt alone although I had support all around me. So, why did I feel alone?
#1 Advice on the Top 10 List
The first piece of essential advice that I would like to offer is for you to know that you will be okay. If I could have had someone that had an adult child living with ASD tell me that I believe it would have given me peace of mind.
Dealing with Judgment on the Autism Parenting Journey [Caregiver Chronicles Podcast]
Brigitte gets interviewed by Sarah Brown on her Caregiver Chronicles Podcast to talk about the experience of autism parenting.
How to Find More Joy and Resilience When Faced with Challenge [Mimosas with Moms Podcast]
Brigitte gets interviewed by Abbey Williams on her Mimosas with Moms Podcast to talk about how to live with joy and resilience through challenges.
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The days following hearing the words “Joseph is autistic,” were some of my darkest days. I was living with the deepest pain I had felt in my 32 years of life. It was my first life tsunami. I didn’t know the way out to find the light. It felt like instantly being lost and not knowing which way to go.